
The Figurative Pollock

20. Januar 2017 - 14.00 – 19.00 Uhr
eikones Forum

«When you’re painting out of your unconscious, figures are bound to emerge,» Jackson Pollock said in a famous conversation with Seldon Rodman in 1956. Yet the American painter is actually best known for his abstract drip paintings. Far fewer people are familiar with Pollock’s extensive earlier figurative oeuvre and the figurative paintings that grew out of the dripping period. Reframing our perspective on the artist’s creative output, the grand special exhibition «The Figurative Pollock», currently on view at the Kunstmuseum Basel, focuses on the figurative aspect of his work in order to pioneer a new perspective on his oeuvre, which spans almost three decades. Our international symposium takes the exhibition as a starting point to engage in a discussion about this pivotal, though lesser known, aspect of Pollock's oeuvre. A cooperation between the eikones NCCR Iconic Criticism, the University of Basel and the Kunstmuseum Basel. With friendly support of CreditSuisse


14:00 – 14:30Greeting Nina Zimmer/
Introduction Ralph Ubl
14:30 – 15:15«Pollock. Field and Gaze»,
Markus Klammer and Stefan Neuner,
eikones NCCR Iconic Criticism
Coffee Break
15:30 – 16:15«The Permeable Plane», Megan R. Luke,
University of Southern California
16:15 – 17:00«The Drip as Discharge: The Vitalist Pollock.» 
Jonathan D. Katz, University at Buffalo,
New York
Coffee Break
17:30 – 18:15 «Metonymy: Figuring Pollock's Master Trope»
Michael Schreyach, Trinity University, San Antonio

Concept: Simon Baier, Ralph Ubl, Olga Osadtschy, Nina Zimmer

Speakers: Markus Klammer, Megan R. Luke, Stefan Neuner, Jonathan D. Katz, Michael Schreyach

Downloads: Poster, Programme

eikones NFS Bildkritik, Rheinsprung 11, CH - 4051 Basel